Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Weight loss systems

Introduction Obesity is one of the major health problems in the world. This problem occurs due to a variety of reasons, one of them being the diet of the affected person. Although a balance of a check on the causes of obesity is required for a person to lose weight, this paper focuses on the dietary approaches to weight loss.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Weight loss systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Weight loss system Most obese people struggle the whole of their lives trying to lose weight due to application of ineffective weight loss systems. These systems are mostly ineffective due to the little emphasis they put on dietary weight loss methods. This is because, most obese people have a consumption problem and thus for a weight loss programme to be effective, dietary methods should be highly considered and the client must ensure that he/she abides to them. In order to effectively shed off wei ght, it is necessary to watch what one eats. This is as opposed to the common belief that some diets like weight watchers and the Atkins are able to make a person lose weight effortlessly. Watching one’s diet is necessary in order to ensure a long term effect on the weight and health of the client. Highly fatty foods as well as sweets and soft drinks should be avoided as much as possible (Kalat, 2009, p. 314). The client should also ensure that he/she only eats when driven by hunger. This is as opposed to some consumption habits in some people which are driven by cravings, the good taste of food, depression etc. Such people are highly likely to have unhealthy weight and they are also likely to have a problem obeying weight loss programmes. If the client is such a person, he/she she will be in dire need of a therapeutic intervention to help in changing his/her motivation to eat and the system will easily help him/her. In addition to the diet, there is need for the client to ma intain a positive attitude towards the weight loss system. The client should have faith that after applying the suggestions of the system, he/she will definitely lose weight. This mental state is very important since it controls the secretion of hormones which could be very substantial in helping the client to lose weight. Furthermore, eating, drinking and their satiation effects are depended on a person’s psychology. If a person believes that he has to take three pizzas before he is satisfied, he will most likely not be satisfied after taking one pizza (Kalat, 2009, p. 544). It is therefore apparent that psychological control is essential in a weight loss system. In summary, a weight loss system should be aimed at helping the client control his/her bad eating habits, suggesting healthy diets that he/she likes and helping him/her control his/her psychology in relation to eating habits.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help yo u! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Evaluation of the weight loss system The weight loss system discussed above is bound to achieve effective results due to the following reasons: the programme addresses a number of eating habits that are responsible for weight gain in most obese people and thus if an obese person or a person wishing to lose weight follows the guidelines of the programme obediently, the programme is bound to achieve its objectives. Secondly, the programme addresses a number of factors which may make a client fail to observe its guidelines well (Glenville, 2010, p. 1). This enables people to be aware of the possible factors that may hinder them from achieving their desirable weight and thus they are prepared to observe the guidelines of the programme even in hardships. The system is bound to have a permanent effect on the person who applies it because it teaches skills to help the person wishing to shed off weight skills to maintain weight after applying the system. It is also realistic since it highly considers the taste of the person wishing to lose weight and thus its success can be guaranteed since the person will be, arguably, comfortable with the diet suggested by the programme (Iannelli, 2003, p. 1). I would highly recommend this programme due to its near assurance of weight loss and its characteristic sustainability. It is a good system which is likely to have no adverse effects on the life of the client and thus the client will comfortably lose weight. The programme can also be improved by incorporating the idea of exercise to its activities in order to help the client to incorporate a variety of weight loss efforts in the same system (Glenville, 2010, p. 1). Conclusion From the discussion above, it is apparent that a weight loss programme has to have three key components for it to be effective. These are diet control, psychological control and exercise. Although much emphasis is put on the control of a person†™s diet, exercises are equally important and a diet-based weight control programme is likely to have short term effects only if it does not incorporate exercises. In a nutshell, obese people wishing to lose weight should ensure that they cultivate a great deal of self control. Reference List Glenville, M. (2010). How to lose weight naturally. Retrieved from Iannelli, V. (2003). Weight Management Guide. Retrieved from We will write a custom research paper sample on Weight loss systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kalat, J. (2009). Biological Psychology. United States. Barnes Noble. This research paper on Weight loss systems was written and submitted by user Matteo Gallegos to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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